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seeking a book title

From: Judy Brooker <Judy.Brooker>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 09:38:46 +1200

The book is: Slovenly Peter; or Pretty stories and funny pictures for little children, by Heinrich Hoffmann.

This is actually the English translation of the German "Der Struwwelpeter" - a selection of rhythmic stories with a moral twist of sorts - and lively, rather nasty illustrations. I confess to greatly enjoying it as a child - partly I think because it was so ghastly - titillating perhaps to a 7 year old. And great when read aloud.

Despite all this, Slovenly Peter has nearly always been available in various editions both in the UK and the US. - that's an interesting fact in itself. The edition in our clibrary was pulbished by C E Tuttle, 1969 while the one I have at home was published in the UK.

Sorry bout the cross-posting, but I'm trying to find a book for a patron
- another really long shot. He remembers reading this book of poetry some years ago - doesn't know the poet, but he thinks the title was "The Misadventures of Strewelpeter." His favorite poem was called "Slovenly Peter."

I know I don't have it at my library, and nothing that looks right comes up in the area libraries' database. I'd like to have him check with an out-of-print book service or used book store if we can verify the author and title. Could it possibly ring a bell with any of you?


Grant Fitch Lansing (IL) Public Library fitchg at
Received on Wed 21 Apr 1999 04:38:46 PM CDT