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UWM Presents Noted Picture Book Author (fwd)

From: Malore Ingrid Brown <maloreb>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 15:06:38 -0600 (CST)

The Center for Children's Literature
                at The University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
                   is pleased to invite you to attend

                Saturday, March 27, beginning at 8:30 a.m. in
                        Greene Hall, UWM Campus

Two presentations by Patricia L. Gauch, picture book author, and Vice President of Philomel Books, author of BRAVO, TANYA, and the CHRISTINA KATERINA

Presentation l: "How I Work as an Author of Picture Books"


Presentation 2: "How You can Write and Publish Your Children's Book"

Register for one session or the other for $l5.00 each, or attend both for $25.00 (including coffee)

For further information, please call (414) 229G28. Greene Hall is located at 3347 N. Downer Avenue, Milwaukee.

==================================================John Warren Stewig, Professor UWM Department of Curriculum & Instruction 393 Enderis Hall PO Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 5320113 Phone: 414"9R46 Fax: 414"9U71
Received on Mon 01 Mar 1999 03:06:38 PM CST