CCBC-Net Archives

Totem Prix: Sources of Information

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 13:22:24 -0600

This is a message from Helene Charmillon-Pohl, a Wisconsin high school librarian who is now a graduate student in the UW-Madison School of Library and Information Studies and a part time CCBC student employee. As you will read, Helene became so involved in searching for information about the "Totem Prix" that she continued to search after she left the CCBC yesterday! We thank her for this, and we're glad we could make it possible for her to have an "evening in France!" Ginny: Here is what I gleaned from my evening search. This has been great fun, a virtual evening in France! Unfortunately, I have not (yet) been able to find out the 1998 award winners.

To learn more about each Totem Award: The best site (which can be best viewed with Netscape 4+ and the choice of a thousand colors) is

Click on "Choix de lecture" on the left frame and scroll half a screen down. Select under "les dix ans de Totem" the hyperlink "les prix". You have now a list of Totem Prizes (print and CDRom) you can either view almost in its entirety (from its beginnings in 1987 to 1997) by clicking on "presentation generale" and then on each book cover, or on
"classemente par annee et par titre" to view each title individually by year. You can also click on "jures" to get a list of the writers, cinematographers, painters, graphic artists, scientists, historians and performing artists who have served on the jury.

To find out more about the Totem Prix in general: From

(Communist Party newspaper edition from the November 27, 1996)

An adult jury consisting of scientists, writers, performing artists, and literary critics, and sponsored by le Salon du Livre de Jeunesse de Montreuil (the Montreuil Fair) and the magazine "Telerama", each year award prizes for best fiction, best non-fiction, best picture book best comic strip, and best CDRom from materials published in the same year.
  Les Derniers Giants by Frangois Place (publisher: Casterman, 1992) Prix Totem 1996

Best non-fiction: 19th century maritime adventure written in the form of a diary.

Best fiction: Lettres d'amour de 0 ` 10 by Susie Morgenstern (Ecole des loisirs)

Best CDRom: Opiration Teddy Bear Author : Edouard Lussan Producer : Index+ et Flammarion Hailed as the first interactive cartoon by its producer the trials and tribulations of a child throughout 1944 Special citation for CDRom: Du big bang aux dinosaures
(Edusoft/Soltkey). A 3-D foreign production introducing children to astronomy, geology and paleontology.

Special citations chosen by 140 children from 10 French cities went to: Filix Tjtedeveau by Anne-Marie Desplat-Duc (Castor poche, Flammarion) Totem 1996 citation chosen by the younger group. le Pianiste sans visage et la Fille de 3e B by Christian Grenier
(Rageot). Totem 1996 citation chosen by the older group Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education ( University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Fri 19 Mar 1999 01:22:24 PM CST