CCBC-Net Archives

Pete's a Pizza and age-imagery

From: Maia <maia>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 12:51:15 -0500

Interestingly enough, I have heard the same complaint leveled against the illustrations in "The Rainbabies," that the images depicted a couple that was "too old." However, as a child of very _young_ parents, experience tells me that we reflect upon other people that with which we are most familiar. Children in particular do not often have the developmental maturity to realize that other families may be entirely unlike their own, unless they are exposed to that 'other,' and so I applaud those authors who subtly broaden the horizons of their readership.

One sad note: when at the local library this past weekend, I asked the main librarian if the award winning titles for children were set aside from the main collection somewhere. She inquired as to what I was looking for, and when I mentioned Shulevitz's "Snow" and the Zolotow award, she looked at me as if I was a nut. "You mean the _Caldecott_ award?" Uh no, the Zolotow... at which point she promptly bailed on me - anything but the Newberry and the Caldecott was clearly of too high maintenance!

Maia Cheli-Colando
Received on Thu 25 Mar 1999 11:51:15 AM CST