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Snowflake Bentley and Faraway Summer

From: Linda Pavonetti <pavonett>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:38:26 -0500

Another connection to Snowflake Bentley is Johanna Hurwitz's FARAWAY SUMMER which, strangely enough, is illustrated by Mary Azarian. Although Willy is simply the eccentric neighbor in this historical fiction, it is an interesting read that provides a window on the world in which he lived. The art style is the same but each woodcut is unique and different from the picture storybook. Linda

Linda M. Pavonetti Oakland University Department of Reading and Language Arts 454 O'Dowd Hall Rochester, MI 48309D94 e-mail: pavonett at phone: 24870F83 fax: 24870C67
Received on Sat 06 Feb 1999 09:38:26 AM CST