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1999 ALA Award Winners

From: Stu ccbcstu <ccbcstu>
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 10:23:51 -0600

A Cooperative Children's Book Center


Announced at the American Library Association Conference February 1, 1999

1999 ALSC John Newbery Medal (distinguished writing for children)

 Holes by Louis Sachar (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998; ISBN 0743265-7; $16.00)
 1999 ALSC John Newbery Honor Books

 A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck (Dial, 1998; ISBN 0?37"90-7; $15.99)

1999 ALSC Randolph Caldecott Award (distinguished illustration for children)

 Snowflake Bentley illustrated by Mary Azarian, written by Jacqueline Briggs Martin (Houghton Mifflin,1998; ISBN 095?162-4;
 1999 ALSC Randolph Caldecott Honor Books

   Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra illustrated by Brian Pinkney, written by Andrea Davis Pinkney (Hyperion, 1998;
  ISBN 0x68!50-7; $16.49)

 No David by David Shannon (Blue Sky Press/Scholastic, 1998; ISBN 0Y0?002-8; $14.95)

 Snow by Uri Shulevitz (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998; ISBN 0747092-3; $16.00)

 Tibet Through the Red Box by Peter Sis (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998; ISBN 0747552-6; $25.00)

  1999 SRRT Coretta Scott King Author Award (outstanding writing by a black author)

 Heaven by Angela Johnson (Simon & Schuster, 1998; ISBN 0h9?229-4;
 1999 SRRT Coretta Scott King Author Honor Book

 Jazmin's Notebook by Nikki Grimes (Dial, 1998; ISBN 0?37"24-9;

 Breaking Ground/Breaking Silence: The Story of New York's African Burial Ground by Joyce Hansen & Gary McGowan (Henry Holt,
  1998; ISBN 0?50P12-4; $17.95)

 The Other Side: Shorter Poems by Angela Johnson (Orchard Books, 1998; ISBN 0S10114-1; $15.95)

1999 SRRT Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award (outstanding illustrations by a black artist)

 I See the Rhythm illustrated by Michele Wood, written by Toyomi Igus
(Children's Book Press, 1998; ISBN 0?2391-0; $15.95)
 1999 SRRT Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Books

 I Have Heard of a Land illustrated by Floyd Cooper, written by Joyce Carol Thomas (Joanna Cotler Books/HarperCollins, 1998; ISBN
  03477-6; $14.95)

 The Bat Boy & His Violin illustrated by E.B. Lewis, written by Gavin Curtis (Simon & Schuster, 1998; ISBN 0h9?099-1; $16.00)
 Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra illustrated by Brian Pinkney, written by Andrea Davis Pinkney (Hyperion, 1998;
  ISBN 0x68!50-7; $16.49)

1999 SRRT Coretta Scott King John Steptoe Award (outstanding book by a new black author/illustrator)

  The Skin I'm In by Sharon G. Flake (Jump at the Sun/Hyperion, 1998; ISBN 0x6844-0; $14.95)


     The Piano Man illustrated by Eric Velasquez, written by Debbi Chocolate (Walker and Company, 1998; ISBN 0?27?46-4; $15.95)
  1999 ALSC Mildred L. Batchelder Award (the publisher of the outstanding translated book)

 Dial Books for publishing Thanks to My Mother by Schoschana Rabinovici.
 Translated from the German by James Skofied. (U.S. edition: Dial Books, 1998; ISBN 0?37"35-4; $17.99)

 1999 ALSC Mildred L. Batchelder Honor Book

Viking for publishing Secret Letters from 0 to 10 by Susie Morgenstern. Translated from the French by Gill Rosner. (U.S. edition: Viking, 1998; ISBN 0g0?007-8; $15.99)

  1998 ALSC May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecturer (annual lecture by an outstanding author, critic, librarian, historian or teacher of children's literature)
 Hazel Rochman
  1999 YALSA and School Library Journal Margaret A. Edwards Award
(annual award to an author of outstanding young adult books)
 Anne McCaffrey for:
  Dragonflight (Ballantine Books, 1968)
  The Ship Who Sang (Walker, 1969)
  Dragonquest (Ballantine Books, 1971)
  Dragonsong (Athenuem, 1976)
  Dragonsinger (Atheneum, 1977)
  White Dragon (Ballantine Books, 1978)
  Dragondrums (Athenuem, 1979)
  1999 Carnegie Medal for Video

The First Christmas. Directed by Linsay van Blerk. Produced by Frank Moynihan. Distributed by Billy Budd
   Complete lists of Newbery, Caldecott, Batchelder and Coretta Scott King Award books from earlier years with details about each award are available from the CCBC, as are lists of the 1) 1999 ALA/ALSC Notable Children's Books, 2) 1999 ALA/YALSA Best Books for Young Adults, and 3) 1999 ALA/YALSA Quick Picts (Recommended Books for Reluctant Young Adult Readers). Ask for these at the CCBC, or mail a self?dressed, $.33 stamped #10 envelope for each cumulative list to: Cooperative Children's Book Center, 4290 Helen C. White Hall, 600 North Park Street, Madison, WI 53706.

Single copies of the annual annotated lists are available free annually beginning each spring from the Publications Department of the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611

Cooperative Children's Book Center 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park Street Madison, WI 53706 608&3720 ccbcinfo at

Jolen Neumann Reference Assistant, Cooperative Children's Book Center
Received on Mon 01 Feb 1999 10:23:51 AM CST