CCBC-Net Archives

New sport

From: Dr. Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:46:10 -0800

CCBC'ers: I see as the next great sport which will hold readers, the fantastic game of QUIDDITCH as explicated in Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Few of us have experienced such a game and only worry that professional millionaire quidditchers may strike for even more gold.

As usual, umpiring is somewhat suspect and it is certainly true that instant replay would make the game fairer when we consider some who have been chosen to be line judges and the like.

 Grandma (who has broken fingers from sports but who never played quidditch--BUT SHE IS NOT A MUGGLE!)

================="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Thu 07 Jan 1999 08:46:10 PM CST