CCBC-Net Archives

Sports books

From: Donna Freedman <dfreedman>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:12:52 -0900

I believe that book was "Little Girls in Pretty Boxes," which another person has also mentioned in this discussion....That book *ruined* skating and gymnastics for me. I can never fully enjoy them now because I think about what the girls underwent to get to where they are - and about all the girls who went through the same rigors but didn't make it. Usually, I'm a lurker but this time I have a personal interest in the question. My husband is a newspaper sports editor. His long features are some of the best pieces in the paper - they're beautifully written, very absorbing and extremely *human* stories. Yet some people will never read them because they're in the Sports section. Even some folks here on the paper consider Sports to be the "dumb jock" section. They don't know what they're missing - and I can say that because I'm not a sports fan, but rather a fan of good writing. (Okay, I'm also a fan of my husband, but he's a good writer!) My own personal pique aside, is it possible that some people automatically assume a kids' sports book is by definition sweat-grunt-SCORE!, with no possibility of a good, engrossing story? Just a thought.... Donna Freedman
Received on Mon 11 Jan 1999 01:12:52 PM CST