CCBC-Net Archives

Sports Biography

From: Vlasta K. Blaha <vkblaha>
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 21:27:05 -0600

Recent comments regarding the book *Wilma Rudolph* prompted me to add to its praises by saying that it is a memorable book for me and my elementary students gr.3-5. Its illustrated format makes it easily accessible for young students, yet it has very discussable information on many levels: history, female in sports, black history, handicaps, and Rudolph's legacy--all oontained in a brief picture book. What a wonderful combination of important ideas--and a contribution to cultural understanding.

And this reminds me of another sports biography in picture book format: *Lou Gehrig: luckiest man in the world*. This brief story has lots of emotional appeal and helps youngsters view people and events in our country's sports history. Both teachers and students remarked about this title whenever I've introduced it.

I think that both of these titles appeal and keep students' interest because of the sports connection, initially. However, these books both spark interests on multiple levels once the entire story has been read and shared. That's what makes them distinctive.

Vlasta K. Blaha Library Media Specialist Colby, Dorchester, Unity (WI) Elementary Schools
Received on Fri 08 Jan 1999 09:27:05 PM CST