CCBC-Net Archives

Advice if you are going on vacation

From: Chris Dowling <cdowling>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 11:20:01 -0600

Season's Greetings!

Here are a couple of suggestions to limit the number of e-mail messages waiting for you upon your return from holiday vacation.

Limit the number of messages received from CCBC-NET by requesting to receive the day's messages in a digest. A digest contains all CCBC-NET messages from the past 24 hours, and it is sent at midnight. To receive a digest, send a message with the header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: set ccbc-net digest

Another strategy is to turn off all mail from the CCBC-NET when you are away. When you return, you can turn the mail on again and catch up with missed messages by reading the CCBC-NET archives. To turn off mail, send a message with the header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: set ccbc-net nomail

To turn mail back on, send a message with the header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: set ccbc-net mail

Then, remember to browse the CCBC-NET archives by pointing Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer at...

Cheers, Chris
Received on Wed 09 Dec 1998 11:20:01 AM CST