CCBC-Net Archives

Parrot in the Oven

From: Bakari Chavanu <sac86267>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 98 21:56:49 -0700

I just finished reading Victor Martinez's Parrot in the Oven. I found the writing to be the most powerful I've read in young adult fiction. His poetic prose is captivating and his focus on poverty and its effects on family make for a much needed book. His work has some good connections with House on Mango Street, Luis Rodriguze's Always Running, and Richard Wright's Black Boy.

While I think the last third of the book is underdeveloped, I know this book would be liked by both reluctant and experienced young readers.

I'm also using excerpts of this book to teach memoir writing in my 9th grade classroom. Even though book is fiction, it contains powerful scenes that can be models for good writing.

I look forward to additional works from Martinez.

Bakari Florin High School Sacramento, CA
Received on Sun 27 Dec 1998 10:56:49 PM CST