CCBC-Net Archives


From: Nicholas Glass <nglass>
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 20:28:10 -0600

Delighted to read that Snow was the CCBC Caldecott Discussion winner. This is a book that captured my attention from the first time I saw it and is a very worth winner in my opinion.

For those that would like a sense of Uri Shulevitz's thoughts on the book, I highly recommend the one page Point of View he published in November's Book Links . I'd be happy to type it in for those that don't have this page, but until I know that is allowed, I'll tease you with the first few sentences. "My book Snow began as pure inspiration, although I didn't know it at the time. It happened several yeas ago, when New York City had 16 snowfalls in one year. . . ." He concludes, "It became about snowflakes that wouldn't give up, about a boy who believed what he saw rather than what he was told to believe, and about a drab city that is transformed."

FYI, I'm reading this message after playing in Madison's first real snow.

Nick Glass

Pooh Corner bookstore

Madison, WI
Received on Sun 06 Dec 1998 08:28:10 PM CST