CCBC-Net Archives

CCBC Opportunties

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 15:42:33 -0600

See The CCBC This Season on the CCBC website
( for brief information about other upcoming CCBC information services.

We especially want to bring the following opportunities to your attention:

1) Participate in one or more of the annual CCBC Book Award Discussions to be held in the CCBC between 5:10 - 9:10 p.m. on the following evenings: a) Thurs., Dec. 3: Caldecott (illustration); b) Mon., Dec. 7: Newbery (writing); c) Wed., Dec. 9: Coretta Scott King, Author (writing by African American authors); and d) Tues., March 16: Americas Awards
(Latino literature). The annual Batchelder Award Discussion of translated children's books will be held on Fri., Dec. 4, 3:30-5:30 pm. See the CCBC website ( for each discussion list.

2) Recently Announced Award-winning and Outstanding Books for Preschoolers will be discussed by Ginny Moore Kruse, Kathleen Horning and Megan Schliesman on Thursday afternoon, February 11. This telecommunications program is offered by the UW-Madison School of Library & Information Studies. For registration fee and transmission details, contact Linda Mundt, SLIS Continuing Education Services
(LEMundt at or phone 608&3D52)

3) Recently Announced Award-winning and Outstanding Books for Children and Young Adults will be offered on two Thursday afternoons: February 25 and March 4. See #2 above for further information.

4) Save these dates, October 7-9, 1999, to come to Madison, Wisconsin! At that time, the CCBC will co-host the IBBY Regional Children's & Young Adult Literature Conference sponsored by the U.S. Board on Books for Young People (USBBY) and present the second annual Charlotte Zolotow Lecture. See the CCBC website ( for the growing list of confirmed speakers & leaders to date. Registration information will be available next year.
Received on Mon 30 Nov 1998 03:42:33 PM CST