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Correction on Making up Megaboy Article -Reply

From: Judith O'Malley <jomalley>
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 11:50:42 -0500

Megan, thanks for making the correction on the Megaboy article in Book Links, and I'd like to add that it was not an interview I conducted, but a three-way conversation in which Ginny Walter, the author, Katrina Roechlein, the illustrator, and Dick Jackson, the editor all participated. We wanted all three voices because I think Megaboy is a book in which the truth of the story is communicated through the accumulation of various perspectives and images. The graphics and the text are melded and the fact that the reader doesn't and can't know all about Robbie's life and motivations for his action make the book, I think, more gripping and realistic. What is left out, in the telling of the story, in the choice of images, in the unfolding of the action, is as important as what is shown and told in this slim book. And that impact is the product of the seamless meshing of Walter's, Roecklein's and Jackson's talents.

Judy O'Malley Editor, Book Links
Received on Fri 02 Oct 1998 11:50:42 AM CDT