CCBC-Net Archives

CCBC-Net Discussions: Oct., Nov., and Dec., 1998

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 09:53:49 -0500

October, 1998 - Nonlinear Narratives in Books for Children and Young Adults, featuring "Making Up Megaboy" by Virginia Walter & Katrina Roeckelein (DK Ink, 1998); "Whirligig" by Paul Fleischman (Henry Holt, 1998); and the picture book "Who's Whose?" by Jan Ormerod (U.S. edition: Lothrop, 1998) and other books you want to include in this discussion.

November, 1998 - Point of View in Books for Children & Young Adults, featuring several books including "Bat 6" by Virginia Euwer Wolff
(Scholastic, 1998) & "Go and Come Back" by Joan Abelove (DK Ink, 1998) and other books you think belong in this discussion.

December, 1998 - Your Favorites of the Year! Which c1998 books: are your personal candidates for any of the annual awards & distinctions? are you already buying personally for gifts? are already favorites of children & young teenagers in your personal life, school, library, or bookstore?
Received on Thu 01 Oct 1998 09:53:49 AM CDT