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From: Brenda_Bowen at <Brenda_Bowen>
Date: 13 Oct 1998 09:27:39 -0400

Form came first in BAT 6, too. In describing the book, Jinny Wolff
     says her aim was to write about the delicate web of community, and to
     examine how each of us plays a part in our society's behavior. She
     repeatedly used filmmaking metaphors to describe the writing process:
     the only way to be "fair" to her characters was to allow them each a
     turn "in front of the camera." If WHIRLIGIG is the labors of
     Hercules, BAT 6 is a documentary film. MEGABOY is a news report, I'd
     GO AND COME BACK is a non-Western narrative, and thus a non-linear
     one. Did the structure come first in that book, too? Or the voice?
Received on Tue 13 Oct 1998 08:27:39 AM CDT