CCBC-Net Archives

Children's Book Fest

From: Kris Adams Wendt <kawendt>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 14:43:45 -0500

Greetings! Mark your calendars for the 12th annual CHILDREN'S BOOK FEST to be held at the Rhinelander Holiday Inn on March 9 and 10, 1999. This is the first "out state" event following the unveiling of CCBC CHOICES and features Ginny, K.T. and Megan from the CCBC staff talking about current trends in Children's Literature, as well as a station wagon load of best books for examination. Co-sponsors are Rhinelander District Library, School District of Rhinelander, Headwaters Reading Council, Indianhead Federated Library System, Northern Waters Library Service and Wisconsin Valley Library Service.

For those of you unfamiliar with Book Fest...the Tuesday evening (March 9) program runs from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. and the Wednesday (March 10) program runs from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Most folks attend one or the other with total attendance for the two days in the neighborhood of 300 teachers, librarians, media specialists, reading specialists, and parents from 28 Northern Wisconsin counties. Registration costs have not yet been finalized but are likely to be in the $12.00 range (includes buffet supper or lunch depending on which day).

Because the stellar coalition of Book Fest co-sponsors rises out of the mist annually like Brigadoon and we want to keep registration costs down, there has been no budget for a mass mailing. We rely on the three public library systems listed above to get registration information out through school and public librarians in their member counties. If you are interested in coming to Rhinelander in March and have not received Book Fest registration information through other means by January 15, please contact me and I will do my best to see that you receive it from Rhinelander District Library.

As yet, I have not mastered the technology to transmit registration blanks through cyberspace, but stay tuned.... Kris

P.S. Driving to Rhinelander is not uphill all the way. We have only had one major snowstorm in 12 years. People came anyway. (Honest!)

Kris Adams Wendt Rhinelander District Library 106 N. Stevens St. Rhinelander, WI 54501158
(715) 36550 (Children's Dept.) (715) 36582 (my office) kawendt at
Received on Thu 01 Oct 1998 02:43:45 PM CDT