CCBC-Net Archives

Do teachers read book reviews?

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 13:12:11 -0500

Knowing that there are a considerable number of teachers and propective teachers who are part of the CCBC-Net community, I'm wondering where you are during the discussion. Do you read book reviews?

If not, why? No time? No subscriptions in your school library? No school library? The reviews don't matter for what you need to know to do your job?

If you do, on which journals or sources of reviews do you rely?

The CCBC subscribes to many education journals not mentioned in any of the messages this month, such as Language Arts, Voices from the Middle, English Journal, ALAN Review, The Reading Teacher, New Advocate, Social Studies and the Young Learner, Appraisal, Science and Children, The Instructor, Teaching PreK-8, Young Children, and The WEB. The CCBC also subscribes to journals spanning more than one kind of audience, such as Book Links, Multicultural Review, Voice of Youth Advocates, Five Owls, and Riverbank Review. And many many more! In order to broaden the scope of the discussion about picture book reviewing, I've mentioned the above journals only as examples of reviewing journals and journals containing book "departments" or columns.

Are we supposed to conclude that teachers don't read reviews? Don't need reviews? I doubt it. (Don't have time to write a response in CCBC-Net? Maybe!) In anticipation, Ginny Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Director, Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education ( 4290 Helen C. White Hall, Corner of N. Park St. & Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, WI 63706 USA
Received on Sat 19 Sep 1998 01:12:11 PM CDT