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the art of the picture book review

From: AAngel at <AAngel>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:38:54 EDT

Let's not underestimate young children's humor. Arlene Sardine is a funny, brilliant book that serves to enlighten, entertain and educate without being condescending to very young audiences. Will it create tears at the fish counter? Not from my perspective. (And rumor is, Chris Raschka eats a tin of sardines for lunch everyday so it clearly was not his purpose to turn young noses away from this feast.) I personally found Raschka's tale laugh-out-loud funny. And I believe that younger children will, too.
   In fact, I believe Raschka captured a child's sensibilities perfectly. Isn't this a perfect example of how they play with, visualize and make sense of the world's realities? I only wish writers would come forward with more brilliant and into-kids'-heads tales like this one. Ann Angel Children's Writer
Received on Thu 10 Sep 1998 11:38:54 AM CDT