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a new bibliography
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From: Margaret Denman-West <maggie>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 20:45:03 -0400
Dear friends, colleagues and children's literature afficionados Tonight I am "coming out of the closet." (although it isn't my first ccbc comment). Before retirement from many years teaching library science in a master's program, designed to prepare school library media specialists, I had the pleasure of teaching children's literature many a semester - and what a joy! When it was suggested that I consider doing a bibliography on children's literature sources, I "bit." After much "blood, sweat, and tears" ( more than doing my doctoral dissertation!)I finally achieved my goal - a finished product. Alas, not perfect - but - pretty neat. So - I am sharing the fruits of my toil with friends, colleagues on the ccbc listserv. You will see the names of many I first met here - such as Kay Vandergrift, Jane Yolen, Rob Reid, --and more. And, of course, Ginny Kruse, Megan Schliesman, and K.T, Horning - the list of authors. If you have a chance to look it over, I would really appreciate any comments. I can handle criticism. Afterall, once you are 72 years old, you don't "bleed" as badly when your deficiences are pointed out!! Life is too short!
"Children's Literature: A Guide to Information Sources"
Margaret Denman-West
Libraries Unlimited, 1998
ISBN 1V308D8-1. Now - it is off to gather some picture books for this month's discussion. Maggie
Dr.Margaret Denman-West Cleveland, OH maggie at
Received on Tue 01 Sep 1998 07:45:03 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 20:45:03 -0400
Dear friends, colleagues and children's literature afficionados Tonight I am "coming out of the closet." (although it isn't my first ccbc comment). Before retirement from many years teaching library science in a master's program, designed to prepare school library media specialists, I had the pleasure of teaching children's literature many a semester - and what a joy! When it was suggested that I consider doing a bibliography on children's literature sources, I "bit." After much "blood, sweat, and tears" ( more than doing my doctoral dissertation!)I finally achieved my goal - a finished product. Alas, not perfect - but - pretty neat. So - I am sharing the fruits of my toil with friends, colleagues on the ccbc listserv. You will see the names of many I first met here - such as Kay Vandergrift, Jane Yolen, Rob Reid, --and more. And, of course, Ginny Kruse, Megan Schliesman, and K.T, Horning - the list of authors. If you have a chance to look it over, I would really appreciate any comments. I can handle criticism. Afterall, once you are 72 years old, you don't "bleed" as badly when your deficiences are pointed out!! Life is too short!
"Children's Literature: A Guide to Information Sources"
Margaret Denman-West
Libraries Unlimited, 1998
ISBN 1V308D8-1. Now - it is off to gather some picture books for this month's discussion. Maggie
Dr.Margaret Denman-West Cleveland, OH maggie at
Received on Tue 01 Sep 1998 07:45:03 PM CDT