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reviews of illustration

From: Sue Alexander <suelalexander>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 18:28:21 EDT

Let me begin by saying that I am not a reviewer. But I read reviews constantly -- as well as the books.

Isn't it more important that the art enhance or expand the words than what medium the artist uses? It has always seemed to me, as I read reviews, that the only time mention of a medium is important is when the artist achieves some special effect because of/with the medium used.

More important also, I think, is whether the art will invite the audience for whom the words are written into the book. It always disconcerts me, after reading a review and then seeing the book, to find that the reviewer has made no mention of the art being geared for adults and the text geared for children when that is the case.

I do not envy you who are reviewers; it's a most dificult task -- but you are appreciated!

Sue Alexander

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Received on Wed 23 Sep 1998 05:28:21 PM CDT