CCBC-Net Archives

Arlene Sardine

From: Kris Adams Wendt <kawendt>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 16:28:02 -0500

Hi, folks! Sorry I missed most of the "Arlene" discussion. Being technologically impaired (but getting better at this) I finally am subscribed, with Chris J's help, as of Sept. 18! Having read both the book and the review, I am having a hard time understanding what all the fuss is about. Sure I sucked wind a bit when reading how Arlene died, but then I was the sort of child who wondered how it felt to be a Green Bean in My Mother's Home Canning Machine. (Whoa! Maybe we have a sequel here!) Some girls and boys worried about how the little fishes get into those tiny cans might actually be comforted by Arlene's story. I liked the book and will buy it despite the Cooper review. Am I missing something deep, here?

Kris Adams Wendt Rhinelander District Library Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Received on Wed 23 Sep 1998 04:28:02 PM CDT