CCBC-Net Archives

Announcement regarding picture book authors

From: Nicholas Glass <nglass>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 22:06:45 -0500

An announcement that I would like to make -- that blends the personal, insider aspects of last month's discussion with the forthcoming picture book perspective -- is that three wonderful picture book creators are visiting Pooh Corner bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin, during the next month.

Barbara Joosse visits on Saturday, September 12, at 11:00 AM our Madison East location. She released this summer one of the most delicious new picture books I've seen in a while -- Lewis & Papa: Adventure on the Santa Fe Trail. It is a heart-warming story about a boy coming of age while traveling with his father on the Santa Fe trail. The text and illustrations emotionally blend the timeless father-son sentiments into a 19th century adventure along this famed and dangerous westward wagon trail.
 It was written to be used with 2nd and 3rd grade elementary children, and I look forward to hearing how teachers enjoy using it. Similarly, I'd love to hear your thoughts about this picture book that was written for the elementary school child.

Kevin Henkes visits Pooh Corner on Saturday, September 26 at 11:00 AM at our Madison West location. He is celebrating the release of his new picture book called Circle Dogs, which was illustrated by Dan Yoccarino
(CCBC Choice illustrator in 1994 for Catherine Friend's The Sawfin Stickleback -- I really needed to know how to spell "Yoccarino" and used my Choices books as a resource.) I haven't read Circle Dogs yet because it isn't out. I'll be curious what y'all think of it when you see it.

Lastly, the honorable first recipient of the Charlotte Zolotow award, Ms. Vera B. Williams, is visiting our Madison East location on Friday, October 2 at 4:00 PM. How do you capture the humane, sentimental, and realistically loving way she writes and illustrates her books?

I am truly excited about hosting these three authors whose work I highly value. It is a fun and interesting challenge to bring authors to Madison. Pooh Corner is making a conscious effort to host them and I hope you don't mind me listing them here on the first of each month. I know that I, as a children's book lover, am curious about the lives of authors and would like to know who is touring and where. I encourage others to use this announcement period at the beginning of each month to share this publicity side of children's literature.


Nick Glass Pooh Corner Bookstore Highsmith Education Station Madison, Wisconsin.

608 25720 nglass at
Received on Tue 01 Sep 1998 10:06:45 PM CDT