CCBC-Net Archives

Do teachers read book reviews?

From: Deborah Hopkinson <hopkinda>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 10:53:55 -0700

I'm teaching children's literature for the first time this semester, and one thing I hope to accomplish is to introduce my students to review journals, internet resources and LOTS of new books. I dug up some of my old copies of BCCB and Hornbook and sent each student home with one this past week; we'll be looking at Booklinks when we talk about themes. Hopefully they'll come away with a comfort level with tools they will need to stay current.

And I think they will increasingly need to be comfortable with these resources in their careers. Our town still has full time library media specialists in each school, who do a lot in helping overworked teachers pull together resources and find new books. But when I travel as an author, I'm finding we're in the minority. Library media specialists now seem to shuttle between two or more schools
(sometimes not that close together) and many have also been given internet and technology duties on top of what they were already doing. This seems to compound the challenge facing not only media specialists, but teachers who want to keep up.

Deborah Hopkinson Whitman College Walla Walla, WA hopkinda at
Received on Mon 21 Sep 1998 12:53:55 PM CDT