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From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 16:30:01 -0500
You are always welcome to find out what's up at the CCBC by visiting the CCBC web-site (
Members of the Friends of the CCBC always receive a complete listing of CCBC information services "The CCBC This Season" along with their quarterly newsletter. (For information about joining the Friends, visit the CCBC web-site.)
Anyone may pick up a copy of "The CCBC This Season" in the CCBC or request a copy to be mailed by U.S. mail or campus mail.
In addition to the first annual Charlotte Zolotow Award Presentation and Lecture by Karla Kuskin on October 1, here are some of the CCBC information services available this fall:
1) A large hands-on exhibit of outstanding newly published poetry books for children and teenagers can be examined in the CCBC throughout September during public service hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-7:00; Friday-Saturday 9:00-4:00.
2) CCBC Monthly Book Discussions this fall are scheduled for Sept. 18, Oct. 9, and Nov. 6 _at_ 3:30-5:30pm. Shorter books are discussed during the first hour. This is a process, not a program, so participants are expected to have seen at least two of the books on the discussion list prior to the discussion.. The discussion list is available on the CCBC web-site. The books can be seen in the CCBC, and CCBC copies may be borrowed on on overnight basis. All are welcome to participate in any of these discussions of new books.
3) New Children's Books Too Good to Miss! is a popular annual workshop about new trade books published for children and young adults offered by Ginny Moore Kruse in the CCBC on four Wednesdays this fall: Sept. 9, 16, and 23, and October 7 _at_ 6:00-8:00pm. Limit: 35. For registration details, contact Linda Mundt (LEMundt at
4) A telecommunications inservice Evaluating and Selecting Easy Readers and Transitional Fiction will be held on two Wednesdays, October 14 and 21 _at_ 4:00-5:20pm. Leaders are Kathleen T. Horning with Megan Schliesman and Ginny Moore Kruse and a panel of teachers. For information about this CCBC ETN, contact Linda Mundt (LEMundt at
5) Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults will be the focus of three after-school workshops for teachers, school library media specialists, curriculum coordinators and others. These workshops will be held in the Tripp Commons of the Wisconsin Memorial Union on the UW-Madison Campus _at_ 4:30-7:30pm on Monday, October 19 (books by and about American Indians); Tuesday, November 3 (books by and about Asians
& Asian Americans); and Wednesday, November 11 (books by and about Africans & African Americans). Contact Linda Shriberg
(shriberg at for registration details, or pick up a brochure in the CCBC. All members of the Friends of the CCBC will receive a brochure in the mail.
6) Speech: What's New in Trade Books for K-8 Classrooms and Libraries?
(Ginny Moore Kruse) and a hands-on book exhibit for the Catholic Library Association on Friday, October 23, at Edgewood College, Madison. Contact: Jean Elvekrog, 608?9?24.
7) Used Book Sale: Early morning, Saturday, October 24, on the 4th Floor of Helen C. White Hall, UW-Madison. Sponsored by the Friends of the CCBC. Members will receive information by mail. Flyers will be in the CCBC. Contact person for details TBA.
8) Gigantic Hands-on Book Exhibit and Conference Speeches by the three CCBC librarians during the Wisconsin Library Association conference in Lake Geneva on October 28 & 29. How Can I Help You? The Joys and Challenges of Providing Reference Service to Children (Kathleen T. Horning) and Best Books for Young Adults: 1999 Nominees (Ginny Moore Kruse and Megan Schliesman). Contact the WLA office: 608/245640 for registration information.
9) Book Censorship/Intellectual Freedom: An Open Forum is a telecommunications inservice to be held on Thursday, November 5 _at_ 4:00-6:50pm. This CCBC ETN coordinated by Ginny Moore Kruse will feature several presentations to stimulate group discussion, including one on teaching the First Amendment to Middle Schoolers by Pat Scales (national leader in Intellectual Freedom interpretation) and one by Dr. Dianne M. Hopkins (faculty, UW-Madison School of Library and Information Studies and nationally prominent scholar regarding school library media specialists and Intellectual Freedom). Other presenters TBA. The discussion agenda will be determined by participants' requests and interests as expressed in advance as well as by what they hear and say during this Forum. For registration details, contact Linda Mundt
(LEMundt at
10) Speech by Artist/Author Jan Spivey Gilchrist on Monday, November 9, 7:00-8:00pm, 4th Floor, Helen C. White Hall. All are invited to this free, public lecture on campus sponsored by the Friends of the CCBC. Come early to visit with Jan, and plan to stay afterwards to meet her and have her autograph your books. Selected books will be sold at a discount that evening.
11) Speech "What's New in Children's and Young Adult Books?" (Ginny Kruse) and Hands-on book exhibit for the Mid-Wisconsin Library System on Friday, November 13 in Beaver Dam. Contact Sharon Webb: 920?295.
12) Reading the Americas: Latino Literature for Children and Teenagers is a one?y workshop for teachers, school library media specialists, curriculum coordinators and others to be held in the Tripp Commons, Wisconsin Memorial Union, on Tuesday, November 17. Contact Linda Shriberg (shriberg at for registration details. The registration brochure will be mailed to all members of the Friends of the CCBC.
13) Speech "Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Recent Books and Reliable Resources" (Megan Schliesman) will be presented at the Statewide Equity and Multicultural Education Convention in Stevens Point on Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 20. Contact: Deanna Applehans, 715#2&93.
************************************************************** Ginny Moore Kruse, Director (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Tue 01 Sep 1998 04:30:01 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 16:30:01 -0500
You are always welcome to find out what's up at the CCBC by visiting the CCBC web-site (
Members of the Friends of the CCBC always receive a complete listing of CCBC information services "The CCBC This Season" along with their quarterly newsletter. (For information about joining the Friends, visit the CCBC web-site.)
Anyone may pick up a copy of "The CCBC This Season" in the CCBC or request a copy to be mailed by U.S. mail or campus mail.
In addition to the first annual Charlotte Zolotow Award Presentation and Lecture by Karla Kuskin on October 1, here are some of the CCBC information services available this fall:
1) A large hands-on exhibit of outstanding newly published poetry books for children and teenagers can be examined in the CCBC throughout September during public service hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-7:00; Friday-Saturday 9:00-4:00.
2) CCBC Monthly Book Discussions this fall are scheduled for Sept. 18, Oct. 9, and Nov. 6 _at_ 3:30-5:30pm. Shorter books are discussed during the first hour. This is a process, not a program, so participants are expected to have seen at least two of the books on the discussion list prior to the discussion.. The discussion list is available on the CCBC web-site. The books can be seen in the CCBC, and CCBC copies may be borrowed on on overnight basis. All are welcome to participate in any of these discussions of new books.
3) New Children's Books Too Good to Miss! is a popular annual workshop about new trade books published for children and young adults offered by Ginny Moore Kruse in the CCBC on four Wednesdays this fall: Sept. 9, 16, and 23, and October 7 _at_ 6:00-8:00pm. Limit: 35. For registration details, contact Linda Mundt (LEMundt at
4) A telecommunications inservice Evaluating and Selecting Easy Readers and Transitional Fiction will be held on two Wednesdays, October 14 and 21 _at_ 4:00-5:20pm. Leaders are Kathleen T. Horning with Megan Schliesman and Ginny Moore Kruse and a panel of teachers. For information about this CCBC ETN, contact Linda Mundt (LEMundt at
5) Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults will be the focus of three after-school workshops for teachers, school library media specialists, curriculum coordinators and others. These workshops will be held in the Tripp Commons of the Wisconsin Memorial Union on the UW-Madison Campus _at_ 4:30-7:30pm on Monday, October 19 (books by and about American Indians); Tuesday, November 3 (books by and about Asians
& Asian Americans); and Wednesday, November 11 (books by and about Africans & African Americans). Contact Linda Shriberg
(shriberg at for registration details, or pick up a brochure in the CCBC. All members of the Friends of the CCBC will receive a brochure in the mail.
6) Speech: What's New in Trade Books for K-8 Classrooms and Libraries?
(Ginny Moore Kruse) and a hands-on book exhibit for the Catholic Library Association on Friday, October 23, at Edgewood College, Madison. Contact: Jean Elvekrog, 608?9?24.
7) Used Book Sale: Early morning, Saturday, October 24, on the 4th Floor of Helen C. White Hall, UW-Madison. Sponsored by the Friends of the CCBC. Members will receive information by mail. Flyers will be in the CCBC. Contact person for details TBA.
8) Gigantic Hands-on Book Exhibit and Conference Speeches by the three CCBC librarians during the Wisconsin Library Association conference in Lake Geneva on October 28 & 29. How Can I Help You? The Joys and Challenges of Providing Reference Service to Children (Kathleen T. Horning) and Best Books for Young Adults: 1999 Nominees (Ginny Moore Kruse and Megan Schliesman). Contact the WLA office: 608/245640 for registration information.
9) Book Censorship/Intellectual Freedom: An Open Forum is a telecommunications inservice to be held on Thursday, November 5 _at_ 4:00-6:50pm. This CCBC ETN coordinated by Ginny Moore Kruse will feature several presentations to stimulate group discussion, including one on teaching the First Amendment to Middle Schoolers by Pat Scales (national leader in Intellectual Freedom interpretation) and one by Dr. Dianne M. Hopkins (faculty, UW-Madison School of Library and Information Studies and nationally prominent scholar regarding school library media specialists and Intellectual Freedom). Other presenters TBA. The discussion agenda will be determined by participants' requests and interests as expressed in advance as well as by what they hear and say during this Forum. For registration details, contact Linda Mundt
(LEMundt at
10) Speech by Artist/Author Jan Spivey Gilchrist on Monday, November 9, 7:00-8:00pm, 4th Floor, Helen C. White Hall. All are invited to this free, public lecture on campus sponsored by the Friends of the CCBC. Come early to visit with Jan, and plan to stay afterwards to meet her and have her autograph your books. Selected books will be sold at a discount that evening.
11) Speech "What's New in Children's and Young Adult Books?" (Ginny Kruse) and Hands-on book exhibit for the Mid-Wisconsin Library System on Friday, November 13 in Beaver Dam. Contact Sharon Webb: 920?295.
12) Reading the Americas: Latino Literature for Children and Teenagers is a one?y workshop for teachers, school library media specialists, curriculum coordinators and others to be held in the Tripp Commons, Wisconsin Memorial Union, on Tuesday, November 17. Contact Linda Shriberg (shriberg at for registration details. The registration brochure will be mailed to all members of the Friends of the CCBC.
13) Speech "Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Recent Books and Reliable Resources" (Megan Schliesman) will be presented at the Statewide Equity and Multicultural Education Convention in Stevens Point on Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 20. Contact: Deanna Applehans, 715#2&93.
************************************************************** Ginny Moore Kruse, Director (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Tue 01 Sep 1998 04:30:01 PM CDT