CCBC-Net Archives


From: Brenda_Bowen at <Brenda_Bowen>
Date: 06 Aug 1998 16:22:30 -0400

Harper carried on the tradition of "circ'ing" correspondence for many
     years. I began in children's books in 1981 as a Harper reader, hired
     by Nina Ignatowicz, and though UN was retired by then, the tradition
     of the circ file carried on. There was certainly an excitement to
     seeing the letters even when UN was not there. It taught all of us
     editorial assistants how to write a good editorial letter, and most of
     us still rely on that model. Harper eds: Is the circ file still
     circ'ing? If not, when did it stop?
     It's interesting to contemplate how many editors -- rather than
     writers -- UN shaped and influenced. A list of her direct descendants
     appears (I think) in the foreword to the book, but it can be expanded
     exponentially if one adds all the editorial assistants who passed
     through Harper's doors, or who were trained by UN's own editorial
     staff. She truly built the industry.
     Brenda Bowen
     Simon & Schuster
Received on Thu 06 Aug 1998 03:22:30 PM CDT