CCBC-Net Archives

Dear Genius

From: lisa von drasek <lisav>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 09:23:02 -0400

Thank you, Fran.

I too have felt some sadness at the end of Dear Genius. I wanted more ( sign of a good book.) I loved that she wrote back to children. I hated the libraran who was the one blot on an otherwise perfect vacation.

Ok enough of the lovefest. Leonard, your next assignment from me is a family tree so to speak. I would like to see the begats of children's book publishing. UN begat Charlotte Zolotow, Phyliss Fogelman etc. Who went where? Started what imprints? Take your time.

Thanks Lisa

Lisa Von Drasek Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education School for Children 610 Wesst 112th Street NY NY 10025

lisav at
Received on Tue 11 Aug 1998 08:23:02 AM CDT