CCBC-Net Archives

Cynthia Rylant, illustrator

From: Carolyn Brodie <CBRODIE>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 17:45:35 EST

Cynthia Rylant began illustrating children's books while she still lived here in Kent with the "Everyday" board book series. (Our children's materials review center in the KSU-School of Library and Information Science is called "The Everyday Reading Room" after this series.) She used construction paper for the brightly colored collage illustrations.

I don't know directly how the decision about illustration is made for each book, but it appears to me that she has a special close connection to those themes. She will have a new self-illustrated book out in the fall titled "Bless Us All."

I listened with enjoyment about our "overalls" strand that ran the past few days.....

Carolyn S. Brodie, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kent State University School of Library and Information Science Kent, OH 44242 330g2'82 (voice) 330g2y65 (fax) cbrodie at
Received on Thu 09 Jul 1998 05:45:35 PM CDT