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Rylant: short stories
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From: arthur beaudry <abeaudry>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:22:15 -0500
I agree that Cynthia Rylant's short stories are powerful. Her story
"Clymatis" from A couple of Kooks" is a story that you can pick up an immediately tell orally to highschool age students and all the way up to older adults. I have long told this story and it has always pleased. I think this story is a hidden gem of Ruyant's writing.
Art Beaudry-storyteller and children's librarian
Steven wrote:
Received on Fri 17 Jul 1998 01:22:15 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:22:15 -0500
I agree that Cynthia Rylant's short stories are powerful. Her story
"Clymatis" from A couple of Kooks" is a story that you can pick up an immediately tell orally to highschool age students and all the way up to older adults. I have long told this story and it has always pleased. I think this story is a hidden gem of Ruyant's writing.
Art Beaudry-storyteller and children's librarian
Steven wrote:
Received on Fri 17 Jul 1998 01:22:15 PM CDT