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From: Linnea Lilja <cildl>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 12:49:17 -0500

I just recently gave THE ISLANDER to a fifth grade girl who was looking for something else like THE ANIMAL FAMILY by Jarrell to read. When she returned the book she wanted time to discuss it and what the story meant to her. She saw it as a search for place (she has been in 8 foster homes in 18 months). What is interesting to the discussion tho' is that she started the conversation with: "First, I thought it was going to be real. Then I knew it had to be fantastic. But after a while, it really didn't matter."

NOTE: for those interested in the Yolan article who do not have a copy of the AARP Bulletin handy, a transcript of the interview can be found at

Linnea Lilja University of Missouri-Columbia cildl at
Received on Mon 13 Jul 1998 12:49:17 PM CDT