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Quiet, easy friendship.
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From: Lynn Hoffman <Lhoffman>
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:38:41 +0000
Christine and Steven have both touched on the thing I like best about Rylant's easy readers. In the series "Henry & Mudge," "Mr. Putter," and now "Poppleton," the core of each story is the interaction between friends. These are solid friendships that survive the occasional test -- my favorite, I think, is the episode where Poppleton squirts his neighbor, Cherry Sue, with the hose in frustration with her hospitality. And while fun, surprising and exciting things certainly happen from time to time, it is the quiet, easy quality of the friendships that I come back to, and I think kids do, too.
Lynn Hoffman Allen County Public Library lhoffman at 900 Webster St., P.O. Box 2270 Children's Services Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Assistant Manager (219) 42120
Received on Mon 06 Jul 1998 11:38:41 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:38:41 +0000
Christine and Steven have both touched on the thing I like best about Rylant's easy readers. In the series "Henry & Mudge," "Mr. Putter," and now "Poppleton," the core of each story is the interaction between friends. These are solid friendships that survive the occasional test -- my favorite, I think, is the episode where Poppleton squirts his neighbor, Cherry Sue, with the hose in frustration with her hospitality. And while fun, surprising and exciting things certainly happen from time to time, it is the quiet, easy quality of the friendships that I come back to, and I think kids do, too.
Lynn Hoffman Allen County Public Library lhoffman at 900 Webster St., P.O. Box 2270 Children's Services Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Assistant Manager (219) 42120
Received on Mon 06 Jul 1998 11:38:41 AM CDT