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Video of Cynthia Rylant

From: ShFamily at <ShFamily>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 19:26:23 EDT

To introduce the author being discussed to my class, I used the video, "Meet the Author: Cynthia Rylant." What most impressed me about this video was the quiet demeanor of the author and how her soft spoken words reflected the person one might expect to find behind the many fine books. Her appreciation of all living things, her acceptance of her early life without a mother or father actively playing a role, and her intuitive sense of the presence of a story, ready to be told, fascinated me. From her early readers to her latest novel, The Islander, I have found her nature to be reflected in her soft, quiet, sensitive and tender stories. They are treasures to be enjoyed, no matter the genre!!

Linda D. Sherouse, M. Ed., M.L.I.S. Library Media Specialist North Hampton School (K-8) 201 Atlantic AVE North Hampton, NH 03862 Adjunct Faculty, URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Shfamily at AOL.COM
Received on Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:26:23 PM CDT