CCBC-Net Archives

Irony and Humor

From: Shelby Wolf <wolfs>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 06:58:16 -0600 (MDT)

Dear All, People who are interested in the development of irony in children should look for Ellen Winner's (1988) book The Point of Words: Children's understanding of metaphor and irony (Harvard University Press). It's a wonderful book that speaks of the potential reversability of these two concepts and how children come to know them and put them to use.


Shelby A. Wolf Home: University of Colorado at Boulder 5579 Mesa Top Court School of Education Boulder, CO 80301 124 Education Building Campus Box 249 (303) 581?46 Boulder, CO 8030949 (303) 581w88 (FAX)
(303) 492?60 wolfs at
Received on Fri 22 May 1998 07:58:16 AM CDT