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Humor in children's books
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From: Fmce
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 20:33:29 EDT
The authors which spring to my mind in intermediate books of humor are Barbara Park and Robert Kimmel Smith. Even though they tackle serious subjects - death of a sibling or generational conflicts, they do it with humor to get the point across. "Don't make me smile" was a the best depiction of how a child feels in an impending divorce that I have ever read. Flit McElligott, media Rosendale Elementary Niskayuna NY fmce at
Received on Mon 11 May 1998 07:33:29 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 20:33:29 EDT
The authors which spring to my mind in intermediate books of humor are Barbara Park and Robert Kimmel Smith. Even though they tackle serious subjects - death of a sibling or generational conflicts, they do it with humor to get the point across. "Don't make me smile" was a the best depiction of how a child feels in an impending divorce that I have ever read. Flit McElligott, media Rosendale Elementary Niskayuna NY fmce at
Received on Mon 11 May 1998 07:33:29 PM CDT