CCBC-Net Archives


From: JGBlatt
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 00:15:16 EDT

Dear Members, Several years ago, Karen Breen introduced my son to the Bagthorpe saga and he is avidly waiting for Helen Cressweel to write more. Are there other books that display the same acid British wit (or American wit) for young teens? We both just enjoyed the new Daniel Pinkwater, "The Education of Robert J. Nifkin" set in the 1950's in Chicago.

Melinda Greenblatt JGBlatt at 354 N. Long Beach Rd. Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11570

New Visionsfor Public Schools
(Library Power) 96 Morton St. N.Y., N.Y. 10014 mgreenblatt at
Received on Tue 12 May 1998 11:15:16 PM CDT