CCBC-Net Archives
CCBC-Net: May-August, 1998
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From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 13:30:50 -0500
I want to echo Megan's fine closure to the CCBC-Net discussion of Poety. Your enthusiasm for poetry is energizing and your various suggestions for sharing poems with children and teenagers are helpful. We hope the need for paperback editions will be met before long, or that we'll all see progress in that direction... Look for Megan's article about poetry to be published soon in Book Links (July 1998)... More than a year ago I decided to find a way to incorporate poetry into every class presentation, workshop and inservice I teach or at which I speak. It seems to be greatly appreciated, and it's so so easy to do because of the growing body of published works: anthologies, original works, etc. National Poetry Month gave us the opportunity to focus upon Poetry. However, out of that emphasis can come the on-going year round practice of using and sharing poetry. Truly we can say: to be continued.
Thanks for the good wishes regarding Megan's election to the ALA/ALSC Newbery Committee and mine to the Caldecott Committee (eligible books: c1999 for the award in the year 2000). So far we haven't received news as to others elected to these committees or to lead these committees, but we're aware that several others in the CCBC-Net community were on each of those ballots or other ballots within the ALA structure
(alphabet soup: ALSC, AASL, YALSA, IFRT, Council, etc.). Although only seven ALA/ALSC members could be elected by the ALSC membership from the Newbery ballot containing fourteen names, (ditto, Caldecott, a separate ballot) we observed that in each instance all fourteen were equally worthy.
A reminder: please sign your messages with information as to where you're from, at least with your own e-mail address. You may reply directly to each other this way when you choose to do so, and it is possible once again to look up the addresses of anyone in the CCBC-Net community. Now, here's the schedule...
CCBC-NET Discussion Schedule May-August:
May 1 - May 15: Humor in Books for Preschoolers/Children May 16 - May 31: Humor in Books for Teens June 1 - June 30: Smack by Melvin Burgess (U.S. edition: Henry Holt) originally published in the UK under a different title: Junk July 1 - July 31: Books by author/artist Cynthia Rylant (topic to be expanded) August 1 - August 31: Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom collected and edited by Leonard S. Marcus (HarperCollins, 1998) a book for adults about children's books and publishing; find it, read it, take it with you on vacation, savor it ... the letters were written to authors, artists and other friends in publishing between 1937 and 1982.
And now, what/who comes to mind first when you think about Humor in Books for Children?
Cheers, Ginny Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Fri 01 May 1998 01:30:50 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 13:30:50 -0500
I want to echo Megan's fine closure to the CCBC-Net discussion of Poety. Your enthusiasm for poetry is energizing and your various suggestions for sharing poems with children and teenagers are helpful. We hope the need for paperback editions will be met before long, or that we'll all see progress in that direction... Look for Megan's article about poetry to be published soon in Book Links (July 1998)... More than a year ago I decided to find a way to incorporate poetry into every class presentation, workshop and inservice I teach or at which I speak. It seems to be greatly appreciated, and it's so so easy to do because of the growing body of published works: anthologies, original works, etc. National Poetry Month gave us the opportunity to focus upon Poetry. However, out of that emphasis can come the on-going year round practice of using and sharing poetry. Truly we can say: to be continued.
Thanks for the good wishes regarding Megan's election to the ALA/ALSC Newbery Committee and mine to the Caldecott Committee (eligible books: c1999 for the award in the year 2000). So far we haven't received news as to others elected to these committees or to lead these committees, but we're aware that several others in the CCBC-Net community were on each of those ballots or other ballots within the ALA structure
(alphabet soup: ALSC, AASL, YALSA, IFRT, Council, etc.). Although only seven ALA/ALSC members could be elected by the ALSC membership from the Newbery ballot containing fourteen names, (ditto, Caldecott, a separate ballot) we observed that in each instance all fourteen were equally worthy.
A reminder: please sign your messages with information as to where you're from, at least with your own e-mail address. You may reply directly to each other this way when you choose to do so, and it is possible once again to look up the addresses of anyone in the CCBC-Net community. Now, here's the schedule...
CCBC-NET Discussion Schedule May-August:
May 1 - May 15: Humor in Books for Preschoolers/Children May 16 - May 31: Humor in Books for Teens June 1 - June 30: Smack by Melvin Burgess (U.S. edition: Henry Holt) originally published in the UK under a different title: Junk July 1 - July 31: Books by author/artist Cynthia Rylant (topic to be expanded) August 1 - August 31: Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom collected and edited by Leonard S. Marcus (HarperCollins, 1998) a book for adults about children's books and publishing; find it, read it, take it with you on vacation, savor it ... the letters were written to authors, artists and other friends in publishing between 1937 and 1982.
And now, what/who comes to mind first when you think about Humor in Books for Children?
Cheers, Ginny Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Fri 01 May 1998 01:30:50 PM CDT