CCBC-Net Archives

Paul Fleischman poetry

From: Vlasta K. Blaha <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 21:31:46 -0500

I agree whole-heartedly with Michelle who stated that Paul Fleischman's poetry is fun and great when read aloud. I enjoy it and students really do get involved. I often introduce Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices by having another library staff member read with me for the class. We usually read our favorite poems which are Book Lice, Water Striders, Water Boatmen, and the Digger Wasp.

After reading several selections, I ask for student volunteers who want to get together to practice and then read for the class during the next weekly booktalk session. I'm always overjoyed when almost all students in the class enthusiastically wave their hands, including girls and boys. So for the next several weeks we hear their read aloud interpretations. Some students have gotten so excited by this type of poetry that they go on to discover other books of poetry and "convert" them to new poems for two voices. This is exciting!

As a continuing activity, one of our fifth grade teachers has students write their own poems for two voices and present them. Students have written self descriptive poems or written about favorite activities. Sometimes students research different animals and write descriptive poems for two voices which are then read aloud. I have always marveled at Fleischman's ability to capture the essence of a particular insect
(Joyful Noise) or bird (I am Phoenix) so clearly and briefly. For me these poems are outstanding because of the science information that they convey concerning the habits and behavior of particular insects or birds. Imagine that---learning about the natural world and its creatures through poems joyously and enthusiastically read aloud.

As an extension of the poetry writing project, students went on to create a Hyperstudio presentation based on their original poems for two voices. They included a video clip of partners reading aloud combined with the word processed text of their poems and other illustrations. It was one of the best uses of multimedia that I have experienced.

Next week we begin our own local "Joyful Noise" for this school year. I can't wait!

Another thought about using poetry in schools. We have also used these poems and other poetry as read-alouds over the school PA system during Book Week, Library Week, or other holidays and special occassions. That has been very popular with students and teachers as presenters.

Vlasta Karol Blaha Library Media Specialist Colby, Unity, & Dorchester (WI) Elementary Schools

vkblaha at
Received on Fri 17 Apr 1998 09:31:46 PM CDT