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National Poetry Month -Reply

From: Clark Underbakke <>
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 21:01:10 -0500

A favorite poem in our 5th grade classroom is Maya Angelou's, "Life Doesn't Frighten Me." We L-O-V-E the picture book version with paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat. It is a timely poem for this age group...on the verge of hormonal explosion! On one hand, they are seemingly scared of nothing. On the other hand, they anxiously question me as to whether or not they may bring a night light on an over-night field trip. The poem initiates conversation that includes past fears that have been overcome and present fears that we are learning to handle. I would encourage anyone to add this beautifully done book to their collection.

Our class has also fallen in love with a particular line from, "On The Pulse Of Morning." The poet's inaugural poem for President Clinton's first term. It reads: "History, despite its wrenching pain,
                Cannot be unlived, but if faced
                With courage, need not be lived again."

This singular powerful line has helped our class to understand the importance of studying history and learning from it. Especially extra painful moments in our history such as the Holocaust, etc.

Clark Underbakke Green Valley Elementary 3200 Old Columbiana Road Hoover, AL 35226 cunderbakk at
Received on Sun 19 Apr 1998 09:01:10 PM CDT