CCBC-Net Archives

Russell Freedman

From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 12:46:04 -0600

Thanks to those who shared information about the e-commerce law and some issues related to the ethics of book purchasing.

Let's now return to the discussion of books by Russell Freedman.

Dr. Ruth Gordon spoke of Freedman's "grace and clarity" of Freedman's writing style. I think these are great descriptors for his writing. I am thinking of an image that will stay with me forever from his biography of Crazy Horse (The Life and Death of Crazy Horse, Holiday House, 1996). Freedman describes Crazy Horse's death and then incorporates a quote from Crazy Horse's cousin, Black Elk, to indeliby etch the scene of the Sioux leader's eldery parents walking off alone, leading a pony that was pulling their son's body. They buried it in a place that they never revealed. The image of those parents who preserved their son's dignity after death (in contrast to the indiginity of his death) is incredibly moving and underscores the tragedy of what happened to Crazy Horse and the Sioux.

Megan Schliesman


Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education University of Wisconsin-Madison Room 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 N. Park St Madison, WI 53706 Telephone: 608&3720 FAX: 608&2I33 ccbcinfo at
Received on Thu 02 Apr 1998 12:46:04 PM CST