CCBC-Net Archives

Help- Children's literature in South America

From: Gale W. Sherman <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 15:17:51 -0700

I would like to be able to communicate with anyone who has experience and/or knowledge about the status of children's literature in South America. I am teaching "Democratic Literacy: Reading Aloud is the Foundation" workshops in Ecuador this June. The workshops focus on
* developing democratic values in children
* using reading aloud to help children become better readers
* and using quality children's books to expose children to information and ideas from around the world so they can be better citizens.

This project developed over the past year after a university professor from Guayaquil attended my infant/parent, toddler/parent, and preschool storytimes. The project is sponsored by Partners of the Americas and funded by USIA, Kellogg Foundation, etc. We were told the grant was funded just a few weeks ago.

Are any of you knowledgable about children's lit in Latin America? The number of of books published each year. The use of books published in one Spanish speaking country and used in others? Is this common, not common?

Were you at the Fourth Latin American Congress on Literacy conference in Peru last summer? I know children's and young adult literature were conference topics. What were the specifics discussed? Was reading aloud a topic?

Have any of you been to the library sponsored by the Leonidas Ortega Foundation in Guayaquil? Other libraries in Ecuador? (There are no public libraries.)

Please excuse the cross-posting but I obviously wanted to reach as many people as possible. Thank you in advance for responding to this request.

Gale Sherman

*************************************** Gale W. Sherman * gale at
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*************************************** Children's Literature: Beyond Basals http://www.beyondbasals
Received on Sat 28 Mar 1998 04:17:51 PM CST