CCBC-Net Archives

Books in Translation

From: Mapme
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 15:07:32 EST

A quick aside re Ginny's remark about not thinking of classics like Pinocchio as translated works when/if we introduce such tales to children. That
"when/if" is significant I think--do any children these days know there is a different (i.e., non-Disney) version of Pinocchio? I'm lucky enough to have a 1937 edition of Pinocchio which I've read to my children. They were fascinated by the "real" story and enjoyed it immensely, much as they did when I read them the Wizard of Oz (granted not a translated work but, given how different it is from the movie, it might as well be!).

Unfortunately I can't speak as to the quality of the translation in the Pinocchio I have. I only know that it has an old?shioned cast to the wording that suits the time period in which it was written and also does not sound "American." Still, it is easy to read and, I think, to comprehend. Perhaps that is the true test?

Fran Sammis author
Received on Mon 09 Mar 1998 02:07:32 PM CST