CCBC-Net Archives

The Diary of Patsy

From: ortchild at <ortchild>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 13:12:48 -0800

I think it is very problematic that the distinction between fact and fiction is so purposefully blurred in the Dear America series. Kids (and most adults) don't read disclaimers, and kids are very often unclear about the difference between fiction and non-fiction. I actually think it is irresponsible on the part of the publisher to present these books in this format. It is true that diaries make history more interesting and accessible for some of us, but students of history need to understand how history is documented, what constitute primary and secondary source materials, and what is actually fictional.

Nancy Silverrod San Francisco Public Library
Received on Thu 19 Feb 1998 03:12:48 PM CST