CCBC-Net Archives

CSK Illustrator Books

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 11:41:27 -0600

One addition to Janice' excellent summary of how the N-C Committees get books.

Actually, the publishers do not send everything eligible to the members of those committees. It only feels as if one is receiving "everything." There are many other eligible books.

Committee members are supposed to have access to locations receiving other eligible books. The CCBC is one of those locations. We often have long on-site visits from members of national and state book award committees who come here to examine and evaluate books not received from publishers.

I'm not trying to start up a distracting side discussion of how these committees work, but I did want to add that just being an award committee member does not mean one gets all of the eligible books worthy of attention delivered to one's door. Sincerely, Ginny
************************************************ Ginny Moore Kruse, Director (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Madison
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All books nominated by ALSC members for Newbery and Caldecott are considered by the committee; the committee, on the other hand, gets to read everything submitted to them by publishers and make recommendations of their own.

I need to be clearer, here, I think. Publishers submit everything they think would even have a remote chance of being nominated for discussion to the committee; the committee reads everything they get (which is usually just about everything that comes out in a publishing year, which I can tell you from personal experience is a *lot* of work) and then individual committee members nominate the books they wish to discuss or believe worthy of discussion under the medal criteria.

Any member of ALSC who has a title they wish to nominate for discussion by either committee can do so by sending the title to the chair of the committee, which would immediately put it "on the table" for disussion.

Since both the nominations and discussions are confidential and closed, your question as stated is unanswerable.

But it's a good one.

Janice BCCB

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Violet Harris wrote:

Received on Tue 24 Feb 1998 11:41:27 AM CST