CCBC-Net Archives

Rapunzel + Caldecott Discussion

From: Mapme at <Mapme>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 22:33:07 EST

I'm sorry, I was away from my computer for awhile and am only now catching up with the discussions re Rapunzel et al. Still, I have to reply to the lengthy dissection of the artwork--how much there is to see and what it all means and how it works together and in counterpoint. The glowing points are well made--and deserved--but is it for children?? What child is going to make these same connections? Even with guidance, how does it serve its intended audience: not adults, with adult sensibilities, but children. Yes, children can and should be introduced to, immersed in, and encouraged to explore all sorts of art. I've put much though and action into this with my own children. BUT, the most lengthy and involved discussions here on the net haven't, to a large extent, had anything to do with children; they've been concerned with our--grownup--reactions and perceptions. I'm sorry, but I think, once again, we are losing the point of these awards. Or, are we? Maybe, these days, they really aren't awards on behalf of the sensibilities of children?

Fran Sammis author and SCBWI member
Received on Tue 03 Feb 1998 09:33:07 PM CST