CCBC-Net Archives

Wringer + Caldecott

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 15:01:23 -0600

Gale, to what age group did you booktalk Wringer? Tell us more...

Those who want to comment on any of the Caldecott choices can include any of the Caldecott or Notable Children's Books Committee. I realize that the actual Caldecott, Newbery, Batchelder & Wilder Committees have an ethic of confidentiality for each group's discussions, but that does not limit individuals on any committee from saying what s/he thinks about any of the books. We'd love to hear from any of you, as well as from others who've used any of these books with children.

Wringer, anyone? Caldecott choices, anyone? ... Ginny
******************************************** Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison

I booktalked Wringer on the first day of children's lit class and one of the guys already had it by the next session ;-)

I think I connected with the book because I was a middle/girl child with male siblings. In my brain I could see it in the neighborhood where I grew up.


PS- I think I posted this to the wrong list! The current Wringer discussion seems to be here not on child_lit. Sorry for the duplication :-(

               Children's Literature: Beyond Basals
 Gale W. Sherman / gale at
    Beyond Basals, Inc. * Early Childhood Librarian
    4685 Flora Drive * Marshall Public Library
    Pocatello, Idaho 83204 * 113 S. Garfield

                             * Pocatello, Idaho 83204
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Received on Mon 19 Jan 1998 03:01:23 PM CST