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old lady - poem or song? And other thoughts...

From: Karen L. Simonetti <karensue>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 10:49:01 -0600

At 02:48 PM 1/24/98 00, Florence McElligott wrote:

I do both. I've been using Glen Rounds (gee, I hope this is the correct spelling) version for awhile. First, I usually read it aloud in a rather rap beat way...and the kids pick up on that very quickly and join in the repetition. Second, if the group is interested/enthralled/whatever enough I tell them that this story is so good is can be sung & grab my guitar and off we go! Most story time groups are good enough and love singing the song...although they also want to see the pictures. I'm probably on the edge of copyright infringement, but what I've usually done is have a few illustrations photocopied extra large and cut out the main characters and put them up on a felt board. (The children each have a character and then put their character up when we get to that part of the song.)

Not to put down the singing, but I sorta like the rap reciting of the verse. It lends itself to more silliness and group participation...which is just what I think the Caldecott version does. I haven't used it yet,
"but in reviewing the situation" (oh! no! lyrics from the musical
"Oliver"), I think Steve's earlier post about omitting some words in group settings is a thought worth considering. Although, that gets me to worrying about how much the book will be lost? Anyone else omitting certain sections for younger story time groups? more thing, Ginny asks about two editions appearing within the same year or two...and no I'm not a publisher or editor...but, it really doesn't bother me (the two editions, not the publisher/editor thing, on most days). I like the ability to give the children as many variants/versions/interpretations of whatever classic is available. Maybe the publishing & circulation stats don't hold this up, but its nice to be able to offer the children more than one version and open up their minds to viewing things differently or even creating on their own.

Karen...who hopes I'm not too much off topic or schedule here...

PS: TOTALLY OFF TOPIC: I just switched email programs and some folks have been having problems reading my posts, so if this occurs here I apologize & will seriously have to think about uninstalling this otherwise wonderful email program...


Karen L. Simonetti email: karensue at phone: 312.337.7114

"...sometimes you have to be a hero just to get out of bed in the morning."
                        --Lloyd Alexander-
Received on Sun 25 Jan 1998 10:49:01 AM CST