CCBC-Net Archives

Multicultural Literature volumes: CCBC publications

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 14:13:42 -0600

I'm sending this response to Maggie's question to everyone in the CCBC-NET community, because it's important not to have any more misinformation circulated. The CCBC has not published any book with
"Diane Publishing," a company that apparently has purchased copies of Volume One & is selling them independently at a greatly inflated price. For accurate information about CCBC publications, including the two volumes about Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults, see I'll write to you directly, Maggie, with the details you need.
************************************************************* Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison

Help! Help! I am including your two volumes of <Multicultural Lit... in my bibliography of bibliographies related to literature for children L.U.-publ) I was able to find the ISBN for volume 1 (publ by Diane Pub. Co) but could not find one for volume two. Could you email it to me soon? Also the page numbers and publisher holding the ISBN. I can't annotatae it, but I will iinclude it as a citation. Still enjoying the ccbn net. I keep meaning to sent my favorites for the year, but 1. many have already been identified by others and 2. trying to make a decision as to which I enjoyed most is somewhat difficult. Most of the titles I read were from recommendations made by members of the discussion group. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me with the ISBN information.

Margaret Denman-West

Dr. Margaret (Maggie) Denman-West maggie at Cleveland, OH
Received on Mon 05 Jan 1998 02:13:42 PM CST