CCBC-Net Archives

favorites, etc. -Reply

From: Deborah Hopkinson <HOPKINDA>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 15:50:25 -0800

I'm still catching up with novels from '96, so by the time I read '97 books I'll have forgotten everyone's comments! But I do have some favorite picture books.

One is Candace Fleming's GABRIELLA's SONG, illustrated by Giselle Potter. Set in Venice, the story follows Gabriella's song as it gets passed around town from one person to another. The illustrations have a folk art quality and the colors are vibrant. I thought Petra Mathers' art for MOMMY, GO AWAY! was delightfully child-appropriate, but fun for adults, too. My son's fifth grade class loved the glimpse into a modern Ethiopian city Jane Kurtz paints in ONLY A PIGEON. For kids that play a lot of soccer, seeing a home-made soccer ball in the illustrations really sparked discussion.

Deborah Hopkinson hopkinda at
Received on Tue 09 Dec 1997 05:50:25 PM CST