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Picture Books for Older Readers

From: Betty Ihlenfeldt <Ihlen>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 19:47:53 -0600

What a treat Ellen Berrie's words gave me today--I have high school English students who are often in need of a good story....and I know that reading to them makes a marvelous spark in the fire for their futures.

We often have substitute teachers here--and the "plans" left behind go awry. Our most successful sub brought her own reading and put on her own
"OK. Now we are a family and this is a story that I think you'll like. There were pictures for her Ray Bradbury reading of "Mars is Heaven" and some bright scholar in the front said "Aren't we too old for picture stories?" "No one's too old for a good story," said she. She did the sub job often for a while. The ultimate fact was that kids would skip their other classes to go visit "the story lady" classes....

I am really looking forward to this month's suggestions from all of the ccbc-net readers on this "picture book for older readers" topic. English Instructor Betty Ihlenfeldt from De Forest High School

"A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails." (Abbey Press poster in the fall, 1997, catalog)
Received on Wed 05 Nov 1997 07:47:53 PM CST