CCBC-Net Archives

Picture Books for Older Readers

From: Gale W. Sherman <gale>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 16:57:52 -0700

Bette Ammon and I wrote Worth a Thousand Words: An Annotated Guide to Picture Books for Older Readers (Libraries Unlimited, 1996) and have a website with about a dozen articles and lists about Picture books for older readers at If you want to get a taste of what our book is like you can read our June 1997 Booklist article, "Worth a Thousand Words: Picture Books for Older Readers," at

In our attempt to link to everything pertinent to the topic, I would like to add the CCBC listserv discussions which will take place during November. I will not be participating during the next week (I'm off on a trip for 5 days) but am looking forward to reading my email when I get back.

Gale Sherman

               Children's Literature: Beyond Basals

 Gale W. Sherman / gale at
    Beyond Basals, Inc. * Early Childhood Librarian
    4685 Flora Drive * Marshall Public Library
    Pocatello, Idaho 83204 * 113 S. Garfield

                             * Pocatello, Idaho 83204
    PHONE (208) 233?17 * PHONE (208) 23263
    FAX (208) 232603 * FAX (208) 232?66
Received on Tue 04 Nov 1997 05:57:52 PM CST